PRODUCT UPDATES | September 22, 2021

Add Your Logo to the ACP Decisions Patient Resources Page

Reading Time: 2 minutes

Reading Time: 2 minutes

We find that patients like to feel like their providers are invested in their care. They want to trust that all aspects of their care are being coordinated by their care team.

Currently, when patients access the ACP Decisions resources prescribed by their care team, they’re taken to a patient resources page like the one below, with the content you prescribed. While patients benefit greatly from these resources, they may sometimes feel like it’s disconnected from the rest of their care.

With our new white-labeling feature, we can replace the ACP Decisions logo circled above with your health system’s logo providing continuity of care for patients.

Instead of viewing ACP Decisions as an outside or extra resource, seeing your logo on their ACP Decisions resource page can help patients understand that their content was selected specifically for them by their care team, as part of their care.

How to Get Started

It’s simple! Contact our partner success manager at with a 425px x 170px version of your logo and let her know you’d like it added to your account.

Once it’s added to your account, we’ll let you know and send you a test code so you can check it out yourself.


About the ACP Decisions Video Library 

  • Providers have access to over 400  professionally-crafted video decision aids in  over 23 languages with native speakers.
  • Utilization of the video library is evidence based with over 20 randomized, controlled  trials involving 10,000+ patients.
  • ACP Decisions’ videos are listed as a  fundamental resource for patient education and  engagement in the National Quality Partners PlaybookShared Decision Making in Healthcare. 
  • ACP Decisions’ end-of-life care patient decision  aids are certified by Washington State Health  Care Authority.

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