Frequently Asked Questions


What is ACP Decisions?

ACP Decisions is a non-profit foundation with a mission to empower patients to make informed medical decisions by engaging in shared decision making with their health care providers. In close collaboration with our partners, we provide individualized solutions for developing and sustaining a comprehensive advance care planning (ACP) solution within their organizations.

Although we have garnered attention and accolades for our extensive library of evidence-based video decision aids, the greatest tool in our arsenal is our team who has developed the expertise over several years on how to effect enduring changes within organizations in support of patient-centered ACP.

Visit our About Us page to learn more about our team and our vision.

What is shared decision making? Why is it important?

Shared decision making provides a way for patients and providers to make health care decisions together. Decisions are made based on the patient’s values and the best science available. Patients are also given relevant clinical information in a way that helps them communicate their informed preferences. Our videos support shared decision making by providing information that meets patients and families where they are, helps them effectively communicate with their health care team, and together make informed decisions.

For Patients & Family Members

What are codes, and what are they used for?

Codes are used to access content that has been prescribed for you by your health care team.

How do I get a code?

Your health care team will give you a code. If you run into trouble using your code or have accidentally misplaced it, please contact them for assistance.

I received a code from my health care team. How do I use it?

If you want to watch your videos on your computer or mobile device, click on this link.

Enter your code and follow the on-screen instructions.

How many times can I watch my videos?

You can watch your videos as many times as you like as long as your health care team has a license with ACP Decisions.  If you are experiencing issues with your code, please contact them for assistance.

I finished watching my videos. What do I do now?

For next steps, ask your health care provider on how you can continue talking to them about your values and what matters most to you.

Remember, having questions is a natural part of having an advance care planning conversation. If you have any questions about what you’ve seen in the videos, feel free to talk about them with your health care team.

I don’t have a code. Is there still content that I can use?

Yes, we have publicly available content that can be accessed here.

For Clinicians & Administrators

How do I log into the My ACP Decisions platform?

To log into the platform, please visit

I need help getting oriented on the My ACP Decisions platform. Where can I get help?

We have created User Guides that cover popular topics like Creating Orders and Playing Video Content for Patients (In Person Experience). Whether you’re just getting started with our platform or are a veteran in need of a refresh, we’ve got you covered.

How do I share videos with patients when I don’t have an internet connection?

The ACP Tools App on iOS (Apple) and Android devices allow you to download videos and play them offline.

For more information, please visit How to Get Help.

Where can I find the latest news on content library, blog, and technology updates?

Check out our monthly release notes. You can also subscribe to our release notes newsletter to receive updates straight to your inbox.


What types of organizations does ACP Decisions partner with?

We enter into partnerships with a variety of different organizations including, but not limited to, health insurers, health systems, hospitals, skilled nursing facilities, hospices, community collaboratives, and independent practice associations. We strongly prefer to partner with organizations that are willing to commit the necessary long-term internal resources to improve advance care planning for patients and their families.

How do organizations use the ACP Decisions Video Library?

There are several different use cases for the ACP Decisions Video programs, and organizations have different approaches when using the ACP Decisions Video Library. The best approach for a successful implementation will depend on each organization’s unique culture, goals, and workflow considerations. What may work well in one location may not work well at another.

Visit our Case Studies page to hear about different organizations have worked with ACP Decisions.

Do you provide implementation support? What does that look like?

Yes, we work with organizations to help them effectively implement a care team approach to advance care planning. The optimal approach supports each member of the clinical team’s ability to contribute to advance care planning initiatives while operating at the top of their license.

A typical 12-month implementation involving ACP Decisions has 5 stages:

  1. Assessment Phase
  2. Planning Phase
  3. Preparation Phase
  4. First Wave Implementation
  5. Spread

Our experience has also identified several critical success factors to help deliver timely and effective value that leads to concordant care. We tailor this standard approach to meet their needs.

For more information on implementation, check out our blog.

How do you determine pricing for licensing?

Since each organization has its unique culture, goals, and workflow considerations, pricing is determined on a per organization basis.

If you are interested in using the ACP Decisions Video Library, Let’s Talk so we can better understand your situation, priorities, and motivation(s) for using our video library. Once we have this information we can help you achieve your goals.

This process is the best way for us to help you make the adaptive change that is so desperately needed so that patients/members can be at the center of and in control of their care.

We’re interested in using the ACP Decisions Video Library. How do we get in contact to enter a partnership with ACP Decisions?

If you are interested in entering a partnership with ACP Decisions, Let’s Talk.

To help us understand if our program will be a good fit for your organization at this time, we’d like to understand your organizational aims and the “Big Why” from your perspective. Key topics of interest from us include:

  1. The member/patient population that your organization serves;
  2. Your understanding of how our offerings will help your organization serve this population;
  3. Executive sponsorship at your organization;
  4. How your organization trains people for having advance care planning conversations;
  5. Your organization’s experience with QI focused implementation projects;
  6. The resources (e.g, tools, personnel, etc.) that your organization currently has that would support the implementation of our offerings;
  7. How your organization plans to measure success; and
  8. Potential timeframes for implementation

Thank you in advance for your interest!

Are your videos available outside the US?

Currently our videos are only available for use for patients and families that are located in the United States.

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